Irrespective of whether you need to ship a parcel from Canada to the USA or to the world, ShipByMail’s mission is to provide the cheapest, fastest and easiest way to send a parcel from Canada. Cut and paste the URL of the product you wish to purchase and we’ll normally give you a quote within 90 seconds to show you that shipping goods from Canada through us is affordable!

We start by giving a unique and Free Canadian address to our customers.

There are two scenarios which global shoppers are faced with, one when the retailer doesn’t offer cheap (if any) shipping services from Canada and the other when the retailer doesn’t accept non-Canadian credit cards.

In the first instance, shoppers simply make the purchases themselves using their own credit cards and forward their purchases to their free ShipByMail Canadian address.

In the second instance whereby merchants do not accept non-Canadian modes of payment, shoppers would use our BuyForMe service. Cut and paste the URL of the product you wish to purchase, specify the speed in which you’d like to ship from the Canadian merchant, make payment for the product cost and then sit back while we place the order on your behalf usually within 48 hours.

You will receive an email from us within 1 business day to let you know once your parcel arrives at your free Canadian Address in our warehouse. It takes us several hours for us to match incoming parcels to their respective shoppers, to inspect the items for any damage that might have occurred during domestic parcel delivery and lastly to take photos and weigh and DIM the packages.

Click on the link in the email notification and then choose the following options:

  1. View photos of your parcels (instantaneous)
  2. Store and Consolidate (we give you 30 days free storage)
  3. Forward your parcel

Once you are ready to use our parcel forwarding service, you will be prompted to make payment using your credit card and then sit back and wait for your parcel to arrive. It usually takes around 3-7 business days for your parcel to arrive, barring any delays from your local customs office which is not within our control.

Goods from various stores

Consolidate into one box

Save 50% - 70% on shipping

ShipByMail members save an average CND$400/year in shipping costs